Fullstack application suite using Java, SpringBoot, TypeScript, React, GitHub Actions CI/CD, and Kubernetes


HC Apps is a suite of packages and running services that enable the dynamic parts of HedgeCourt.

Try it out in production: HC Apps

The main modules:

  • HC Auth (API) - Java SpringBoot library, and API service for user management & authentication
  • HC Home (Frontend) - TypeScript React Node.js component library, and application for user management & authentication

The ecosystem leans heavily on GitHub Actions for automated CI/CD. Packages are deployed to GitHub Packages, and Docker images are published to GitHub Container Registry.

The production systems run in my Kubernetes cluster siting right behind me in the closet :-)


The repository README docs have the technical details.

Skills Overview

When thinking about a project like this, it feels nice to spend a few minutes considering what it takes to put something like this together. It is easy to take for granted just how much goes into something that seems simple.

Technical Skills:

  • Java
  • API design
  • SpringBoot
  • Maven
  • Postman
  • TypeScript
  • React
  • Yarn
  • Docker
  • GitHub Actions CI/CD
  • Kubernetes

Soft Skills:

  • Intrinsic Motivation
  • Creativity
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Quick Learning
  • Risk-Based / Fail Fast Approach
  • Tenacity
  • Integrity
  • Patience


HC Apps is under active development. It serves as a hobby when I have rest time in between work, family, and Ultra Marathon running.

Please feel free to share your thoughts with me via email.