Hedge Court began as a site dedicated to the hobby of building robots. As my interests grow, so does the content. Software Engineering. Electronics projects. CNC milling projects. Wood working projects. Anything that inspires creativity.

The pages found here are some chronicles, stories, tutorials, and descriptions about the variety of projects I’ve made over the years since I got my first robot book and fell in love.


This website is intended for enthusiasts of robots as a hobby. No content, advice, ideas, circuits, mechanics, designs or anything else should be used for any application where bodily injury, death, financial loss, or anything else that you value is at risk. None of the content is applicable for industrial, commercial, or medical applications.

Be sure to check all safety regulations before using any dangerous tools (any tools used for robot building can be considered dangerous).

The owners of HedgeCourt.com shall not be liable for incidental, special, or consequential damages arising from this website.

All material on this website is the property of the owners of HedgeCourt.com.